

Dev Diary #25

This week, my team finished and submitted our game to be marked! In the lead-up to the deadline, the programmers took the Blender scene I exported and added colliders to the objects to allow them to be interacted with and thrown at enemies. As well as this, the enemy AI code was added and the animations that the other artist Esmé had made were included as well. One issue I did have with the changes the programmers made however, is with the colours and materials of the objects I had created. So this is what the scene looked like in Blender as I made it versus the final version submitted and used in the game:

my version (in blender)
the game version

One of the programmers (Ashley) said she did this because she needed to have the code she made for surfaces to be able to become dirty during the chaos to work properly and so she had to re-make the textures the best she could. She said that she took the hex codes directly from the materials but as you can see the colours are still very different. I'm not sure whether this a viewport setting that's wrong in my Blender file or the final Unity build but regardless, I spent a lot of time working on making the colours and colour pallete for the game and to see it go to waste was dissapointing. As well as this, the floor texture I made and used within my Blender version never got used in the final game and so the scene looks a lot more empty and not as warm and lived-in as my verision. This is also aided by the lack of shadows created by the lighting within the scene, another aspect I took a lot of time getting right.

Overall, I am happy with the art I was able to produce and the work I put in for the project. I think my contributions stand out and successfully showcase the hours I put in as well as give me something to add to my portfolio. Whilst our game had to be submitted with known bugs and less quality than desired due to the time constraints, I think working with my team for this project was also successful and the majority of us all contributed something that got used in the final version!