More sculpting

More sculpting

Dev Diary #32

After capturing the core shape of the hands, my next step was to smooth out some of the connections between the finger segments. I did this by carefully utelizing my favourite tools; the move tool and the clay buildup tool. With the connections smoothed out, I also added fingernails and sculpted the palm of the hand to be a more realisitic shape.

After a very tedious and lengthy period of time sculpting the hands, I could finally move on to the next step. Unfortunately, this step was sculpting the feet - another difficult process.

Fortunately, since the feet won't be rigged like the hands will (and since they'll likely be hidden by shoes most of the time), I could get away with sculpting a bit less detail into them and duplicating the toes with minimal effort needed to scale them accordingly. Like with the hands, the retopology process will more seamlessly blend the connection between toes to the feet and the finished result won't show different levels of subdivision like it does in the sculpt.

With hands and feet done, as well as the rest of the body, the final (and very important) piece left to sculpt is the face! Since the face can turn a realistic human model into an uncanny looking one, I will need to spend extra time ensuring the face anatomy is correct and that the model looks nice while being realistic. This will likely take even longer than I spent sculpting the hands, but luckily for me, it'll be the final step of the sculpting process!

Stay tuned! :3