Final Game Dev Environment Changes.

Final Game Dev Environment Changes.

Dev Diary #24

After exporting a test version of the scene to Unity for the programmers to start applying their code, I was able to finally start making the final changes to the scene within the cafe! I started by applying the last materials to the smaller items and started duplicating objects to fill up the space and give the player stuff to interact with!

Before I could export this however, the programmers requested I make an outside area so enemies could walk in and the player could go out to explore. As well as this, it would mean that when you look outside a window you don't just see blank space. Because of this feedback, I spent some time modelling a basic street with buildings and roads. Additionally, I used basic materials and duplicated lots of the building shapes such as windows and doors to save myself some time. I kept the colour pallete the same as the cafe interior as well to ensure it fit within the context of the game and didn't stand out or distract the player.

With these changes now finished, the scene is ready to be exported and implemented into our game!